Production Terms ApparelWin

Production Terms

Today I'm gonna do something a little bit different--production term of clothing manufacturer. I'm gonna go down some of terms that you're probably gonna hear when communicate with your manufacturer. 
we love this stuff, we're into it it's like what we dream about. Shuttle looms are going off in our brain all the time. So as somebody who might just start their clothing line and wanna getting into it, you may be a little bit confused by some of this Terminology. so I'm gonna run down a few of the ones that I for sure you had to look up in the first time,  I was into this and I want to sort of put them into a really short concise video so you can just use this as reference, I think this will be really really helpful. It help a lot when you communicate with your manufacturer.
In this video, Im gonna give introduction of five terminologies, they are chain stitch, lock stitch, overlock stitch, flat felled seam and Burr and Rivet.
  1. So lets gonna start with the chain stitch. Now the chain stitch has been around for a really long time. Chain stitch is one kind of ornate sewing stitch where loops are joined as like the forms of a chain. This stitch is formed by two or more sets of those threads are called needle thread and looped thread. In the garments manufacture process, generally chain stitch is mostly used in seam and out seam of trouser, side seam of shirt and decorative purpose. what the chain stitch allows is a really cool roping pattern in fades along the bottom, the hem of your fabrics.
  2.  Next,  the big brother to the chain stitch is actually the lock stitch, this is easier to do. It's more efficient, but it doesn't have that old-world style to it. A lot of people prefer the chain stitch to the lock stitch, but there's not much of a benefit ,you don't get the roping that you would get with a chain stitch. However this is probably one of the most common stitches we'll see out there especially with thicker fabrics.            
  3.  Next is the overlock stitch also known as surging. If you take any of your mall brand jeans and then flip them inside out, turn the pant leg inside out, look along the inside seam. Chances are you'll see a bunch of what almost looks like figure eights going the inside, that right there is the overlock. It's a very very efficient way to to marry two pieces of fabric together. however it's not the most uniformed,  best-looking or strongest method.                                                         
  1.  For that we're gonna have to look at the flat felled seam, so imagine two pieces of fabric fold together and joint like the photo. So you have a finished edge here and a finished edge there. That's what you're gonna see on basically all the exterior seams on many mall brand clothes up the back or anywhere else. You'll see that nice finished edge, that right there is a flat felled seam .On higher-end pants you'll also see that on the inside of the the legs basically everywhere. It's a much better way to to make something. It's so much stronger union of those two materials. So a lot of times this is also used to hide seam allowance. If you get something and they say it could be let out or in. A lot of times that's the way they'll be able to hide that extra fabric is using a flat felled seam.                                   
  2. Okay, next we have to talk about the Burr and rivet which are just commonly known as rivets . What you're basically looking at is one piece called the rivet which goes through the fabric. The burr is actually the washer that goes on top there, joining that thing together. There's nothing that's gonna pull it apart . Most of the times you'll find these in the corner of pockets and sometimes actually down in the crotch with a sewn over portion. Any place where there's a lot of stress, any place where you're gonna see a lot of tugging. Especially this way you'll find a rivet there just to anchor it down a little bit more.                                
Wish its helpful and wanna know about clothing production, please follow our instagram and submit our youtube. Thanks and bye.


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